Heritage Seeds, British Wildflower Seed

Who we are and what we do:

We are specialist growers of native British wildflower seed. We sell wildflower seed mixtures and wildflower plug plants. Established in 1985 Heritage Seeds is now in its 39th year of growing and supplying wildflower seed. From the start David Russell set out with the clear aim of ensuring quality and best practice in the husbandry and application of wildflower seed as a landscape treatment. The business is now in the hands of the second generation of the Russell family and continues to operate with the same ethic of best practice in production and successful results by supporting our customers. Seed is either grown in our own production areas, or harvested directly from the wild. Our website aims to show the range and application of wildflower mixes for amenity and agricultural biodiversity projects.

Calcareous Grassland

Local Provenance Harvesting

We collect seed directly harvested from meadow, downland or heathland using low impact brush harvesting  machinery We are currently involved in seed collection by brush harvesting  from most parts of the south of England We will be happy to quote for the supply of seed for most non-woody plant communities


We have a long experience of preparation and seeding , we will happily advise you about choices of equipment and preparation and aftercare, or can quote for the seeding of your site.

The shop is not working this week, we are working to fix this as soon as we can! Please email if you have an enquiry and we can take a card payment over the phone.
We are pleased to work with and sponsor the RSPB
Sponsors to the Woodland Trust
W Trust